Table of Contents

Teams per country

We have a moderation team in each country. These teams take care of any issues that arise on the Map, answer basic questions of users, etc. They will also have the final word in which marker is green in that country.

(FIXME: the following parapgraph a proposal, not yet reality) Teams are added to the map by the Map Expansion Team. They will look for those people in countries that can represent TLR in a good way and are willing to help with moderation of the TLR Map.

When country has no moderation team yet

Marker reports

In case there is no moderator in the country, TLR Map gray markerRoman is moderating the map (except for deciding on green markers). For the more complicated issues he is assisted by the Map Moderation Team.

Green marker decisions

In countries where there is no moderator, TLR Map gray markerTorben Søndergaard is giving the final approval for markers to become green.

Green markers

To become green on the map, someone needs to receive 3 or more recommendations from other green markers. This process is initiated if someone with a green markers goes to the map, clicks on a gray marker and clicks on the “Recommend” button. After the first recommendation is given, all other green markers on the map are also asked for their feedback on this marker.

When the number of recommendations reaches 3, the local country team receives a message and is asked to give a final approval for the marker to become green.

Events on the TLR Map

Everyone who has a green marker on the map can place an event on the map. They are displayed as a yellow icon.

Official events

Some green markers has a flag 'core team'. They can add official TLR events on the map. These events are also announced on the TLR websites and they have a larger icon on the map.

FIXME Currently there exists no procedure for how to add/remove people to this core team. The next paragraph is a proposal.

Those who believe should be part of this core team to do official events, they should contact the Map Expansion Team. They will check for the following:

  • the person making the application is involved with TLR for several years
  • the person is above reproach and has a solid reputation within the network.
  • is known as humble
  • is able to teach well.
  • should not be of young age